Okay the back view, its just a sketch, your name reg no. will be imprinted and the symbol in the front will overlap here, represnted by the + , the symbol is the girl boy thing, scroll down i wrote it in the front view..
Front view , the + thing is supposed to represent the sexes, male and female you know.. the circle and a plues for boys i think and female is a circle and arrow i think...
The symbal will overlap to the other side, the back
The sleeve will be imprinted with the word 2dirty
ok, i took a few minutes to do up a draft of that the class tee is supposed to look like ( i think)
I think that is what its supposed to look like, if its wrong just take down the post and do up another...
its very err... crap, but just to let those who don't know know.
Duh Rondal Wee